
People-Centric Change Management Programmes

Times are changing fast, and this is true for all industries. Consequently, the need to evolve constantly with the changing times becomes a necessity. Thinking, Planning, executing, coordinating, and carrying out upskilling at every level can bring about organisational change. The programs that help drive change are known as change management programs. Most of the change management programmes involve leadership development workshops based on specific themes for ringing change in the mindset of the leaders and their team members. 

Types of change management programs:

Change management is essential for all organisations from time to time. Such programs are broadly of two types. The first one aims to bring about Adaptive changes. These are crucial, small, gradual, and primarily iterative changes. Here, organisations may enable evolution in their products, processes, workflows, and strategies over time. They may also hire a new team to address the sudden increase in demand for capabilities or implement new policies to attract a versatile talent pool. 

The other is Disruptive change. The need for transformational change is usually more complex in scale, and its scope may also be to implement a sudden change. Launching a new business division or deciding to expand internationally is an example of transformational change. 

Whatever the theme of Change Management programmes, the whole thing is centred around people’s willingness to bring change. 

People dimension during change management Programs

When organisations adopt a change management program, they consider it a means of achieving short-term and long-term goals. However, knowing the proper steps to take might increase the chances of the project’s success. 

  • Set the right expectations from the beginning:

    When we begin a change management journey, it is vital to communicate clearly about the goals that the program is expected to achieve. Leaders should inform everyone involved about the program’s goals and how they align with the organisational values. Engaging in discussions with the teams can help everyone understand the benefits and be on the same page. Leaders may also encourage a dialogue around the subject to address the challenges and any other concerns the team members might have. It is vital that we set realistic, achievable expectations that can aid in strengthening trust and building a support system. 
  • Assess the readiness of people to accept the change:

    This is one of the most critical steps. Leaders need to understand if their teams are ready to embrace the change that the change management program will bring. They can conduct surveys and interviews or build focus groups that help understand the mindset of the teams and spot any potential resistance. Understanding their awareness, willingness, and ability to adopt new processes might benefit their success. This assessment can also help identify the need for training and support. A customised approach to addressing the needs can improve the overall enthusiasm and readiness, making the transition effective. 
  • Measure the progress consistently:

    Tracking the progress of a program is essential. It helps understand if a program is working. Leaders may establish clear metrics that are in sync with the set goals. Monitoring these indicators regularly can help assess the impact of change and identify areas that need adjustments. We can also use performance dashboards or progress reports to maintain transparency and keep everyone informed. Consistent measuring progress can also provide opportunities to address challenges before they blow out of proportion. 
  • Identify a pool of catalysts for faster change.

    Change catalysts are individuals within an organisation who naturally embrace and drive change and have the power of influence. Organisations can accelerate change management efforts by identifying and empowering these key individuals. Identifying employees with strong leadership skills, adaptability, and a positive attitude towards change is essential. We can give them the needed resources and support to champion these initiatives. Their enthusiasm and influence can push others towards innovation and growth.
  • Support those lagging.

    Change can be challenging, and it is essential to accept that not everyone will adapt at the same pace. Leaders should offer support to those who might be struggling. We should take time to understand if skill gaps or other obstacles hinder their progress. Additional training, resources and coaching can help them catch up. We should recognise their efforts and maintain an empathetic approach. As long as they have the right intentions – to improve and grow, patience and support can help everyone move forward together. 
  • Celebrate outcomes periodically

    In change management programs, there will be milestones and achievements. No matter how small or slow they might be, we must recognise them. It is essential in maintaining momentum in the change management program. Leaders can recognise individual and team contributions to reinforce positive behaviour and sustain motivation. These celebrations may be simple verbal acknowledgements or more formal awards and team events. These moments of recognition are essential to employee morale and aid in highlighting the tangible benefits of change. These can also encourage continued commitment and efforts from everyone involved in the program. 
  • Assess the need for change management personnel.

    Change is essential in every aspect of the change management programs. Leaders should reassess the types of individuals needed to drive and sustain change. By evaluating the team members’ skills, attributes, and contributions, we can make the necessary adjustments required in the team to succeed. This assessment can also help identify gaps in the current teams and guide future hiring and development efforts. We must ensure the right mix of skills and attitudes required in the change management initiatives. The needs and dynamics help organisations evolve in the right direction. 
  • Restructure roles and responsibilities.

    Periodic restructuring of roles and responsibilities is essential to align with the outcomes of the change management efforts. After evaluating the progress and impact of the change over a specific period, two quarters or six months, organisational leaders may consider making better adjustments. This may include redefining job roles, reallocating resources needed for the change management program, or implementing new processes. We must remain flexible and responsive to the evolving needs of the organisations to maintain alignment with the goals that aid in continuous improvement. 

We have been helping organisations drive change management through coaching and mentoring. Our unbiased and people-centric approach has positively enabled the teams from various organisations across all layers. The USP of our Change Management programs is an empathetic approach and inclusiveness. These programs aim to start building the change from the top management. Cultural changes always need a top-down approach. 

To learn more about our approach to Change Management, please visit the page :


Write to us at dinkar@kabirlearning.com to discuss how change management can positively impact your workforce and organisational goals. 

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