
To be a leader, you need a high level of perceptiveness

(Cut the clutter, Simplify, Amplify)

Leadership coaching engagement, Customised leadership workshops and Manager’s training sessions to build higher effectiveness.

Leadership enablement for creating business and Social Impact.

Caring and sensitive engagements to meet the unique requirements of people.

Leadership Development

Do you want to build unity of purpose in your organisation?

क्या आप अपने संगठन में उद्देश्य की एकता का निर्माण करना चाहते हैं?

Do you want to build growth mindset and empathy in your team members?

क्या आप अपनी टीम के सदस्यों में विकास की मानसिकता और सहानुभूति का निर्माण करना चाहते हैं?

Do you want to have a coherent senior leadership team?

क्या आप एक सुसंगत वरिष्ठ नेतृत्व टीम चाहते हैं?

Do you want to have inspiring team coaching sessions to motivate your people?

क्या आप अपने लोगों को प्रेरित करने के लिए प्रेरक टीम कोचिंग सत्र आयोजित करना चाहते हैं?

Leadership Coaching – Our Approach

Building Future Ready Teams is vital for the growth of your Organisation

We do offsite and online leadership coaching programmes to propel the movement of leadership
teams towards their next level.

We work on the fundamental premise that there are infinite possibilities within a team and an individual. An organisation’s job is to invest in inspiring its people and motivate self-discovery about their strengths. How do we consciously and systematically inspire our teams?

Some examples of our most sought-after Leadership development engagements –

Leadership Development

Inspirational Leadership

Leadership coaching

With Padmashree Anwar Khan in a session for “Inspirational Leadership” for a Danish MNC (Middle and Senior Management Cross-Functional Team)

Participants: Our Leadership coaching, Manager’s Training and development sessions are recommended for senior and mid level managers with high potential and deep interests to develop themselves.

Outcome: A relaxed approach for bringing vibrant life and emotional wellness into the organisation and people.

Duration of the journey:

Online – 8 sessions of 90 Minutes, staggered over 4 months

Offline – 2 days followed by Two personalised coaching sessions ( Done one on one ) within 45 days of the journey

Engagement format:This can be done as one-on-one sessions and team sessions.

Many are stubborn in pursuit of their chosen path, and few are in search of the goal.

Friedrich Nietzsche

बहुत से लोग अपने द्वारा चुने गए मार्ग की खोज में जिद्दी होते हैं, कुछ लक्ष्य की खोज में।

फ्रेडरिक निएत्ज़्स्चे

Do we recognise that we are living in a hyper-competitive world?

Do you think that many professionals are increasingly feeling the Side-effects of this hyperactive world?

In a world that loves to listen to success stories regarding wealth created, fame gathered, and profits earned, Inspirational leadership provides a safe sanctuary to tired and stressed corporates, NGOs, Politicians and social entrepreneurs.

Our corporate training programs for the development of Managers and leaders aim at renewing leadership capabilities for the future readiness of the organisation.

Inspirational leadership is an art. Inspiring leaders who work like an artist. Such leaders gently nudge you into life’s finer and more delicate aspects.

In this engagement, we would intersect with some devoted artists. As you connect with the artists and their creations, you inhale the first whiff of freedom. And freedom builds better performance. Thus, these journeys liberate and replenish your soul with energy. We use poetry and music from timeless mystics like Kabir to inspire simplicity in our modern lives. Such engagements are highly effective.

Art provides a safe sanctuary to the fatigued corporate employee in a world that loves to listen to success stories regarding wealth created and profits earned. An artist gently nudges you into life’s finer and more delicate aspects. In this journey, as you connect with the artists and their creations, you inhale the first whiff of freedom. Thus, these journeys liberate and replenish your soul with energy. We use poetry and music from timeless mystics like Kabir to inspire simplicity in our modern lives.

kabir learning

Executive Presence & Influence

कार्यकारी उपस्थिति और प्रभाव

Participants: Our Leadership coaching and development sessions are recommended for Senior management executives willing to take the organisation to the next level. Typically we would recommend these meetings before the strategy kickoff sessions. This can help in organisational renewal.

Expected Outcome: An inspiration to create and implement the next version of the organisation. Develop insights to enable “Change” and embrace meaningful “Challenge”. We expect more inspired and determined leadership to bring about better organisational changes.

Duration of the Team Coaching Programme:

Online – 8 sessions of 90 Minutes, staggered over 4 months

Offline – 2 days followed by Two personalised coaching sessions ( Done one on one ) within 45 days of the journey

Engagement format: This can be done as one on one sessions and team sessions too

Leadership Coaching

The wise man beholds all beings in the self and the self in all beings; for that reason, he does not hate anyone

Isha Upanishad

बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति सभी प्राणियों को स्वयं में और स्वयं को सभी प्राणियों में देखता है; इसलिए वह किसी से घृणा नहीं करता |

ईशा उपनिषद

Such team coaching journeys aim to connect our co-travellers with thriving institutions and communities solely based on their need to give back to society; This is something of immense value in both intangible and tangible terms. As we walk through the corridors of these organisations, we see for ourselves what makes these little ecosystems carve out a niche for themselves in a humbling, nurturing manner. These experiences would inspire the senior management teams to look within themselves and create a new version of their organisation. All these journeys happen in an overwhelming scenic environment in places with high natural beauty. All this will be guided by an experienced coach facilitating intersectional learning, thought provocation and enabling learning.

Leadership Development

Building CEO Mindset

Leadership Coaching

Abha Hanjura (Well Known Kashmiri Folk Singer in one of our sessions for the Leadership team of an American Conglomerate)

Participants: Our Leadership coaching, Manager’s Training and development sessions are recommended for Senior and Middle-level managers with high organisational potential and assets.

Expected Outcome: Assimilate new experiences into their problem-solving skills. Develop detail orientation and simultaneously enable strategic thought leadership.

Duration of the journey:

Online – 8 sessions of 90 Minutes, staggered in 4 months

Offline – 2 days followed by Two personalised coaching sessions (Done one on one) within 45 days of the journey

Engagement format: This can be done as one-on-one sessions and team sessions.

Tell your body that it is strong, tell your mind that it is strong, and have unbounded faith and hope in yourself.

Swami Vivekananda

अपने शरीर को बताएं कि यह मजबूत है, अपने दिमाग को बताएं कि यह मजबूत है, और अपने आप में असीम विश्वास और आशा है।

स्वामी विवेकानंद

Such Team coaching and people development journeys can be a part of the performance reward programme for high achievers. In this journey, we take our co-travellers to exotic places where they imbibe the importance of detail orientation and strategic thinking. We observe the vagaries of life and survival outside the bottom lines and balance sheets. The idea behind this journey is simple: It seeks to build a feeling to contribute even more so that corporate leaders begin to discharge their responsibilities with humility, courage and empathy. All this will be guided by an experienced coach facilitating intersectional learning, thought provocation and enabling learning.

kabir learning

High Touch Service

Participants: For such team coaching sessions, We embark on this journey with people for whom “care” is vital in shaping their growth and development. Delivery management teams, support teams, and service centres are our co-travellers.

Our Leadership coaching, Manager’s Training and development sessions are recommended for Senior and Middle-level managers with high organisational potential and assets.

Outcome: Deep insights into caring and customer-centric service culture. Helping people to devise caring service culture that can.

Duration of the journey:

Online – 8 sessions of 90 Minutes, staggered in 4 months

Offline – 2 days followed by Two personalised coaching sessions (Done one on one) within 45 days of the journey

Engagement format: This can be done as one-on-one sessions and team sessions.

Leadership Coaching

No one is more dangerously insane than one who is sane all the time: he is like a steel bridge without flexibility, and the order of his life is rigid and brittle.

Alan Watts

हर समय समझदार व्यक्ति से अधिक खतरनाक रूप से पागल कोई नहीं है: वह बिना लचीलेपन के स्टील के पुल की तरह है, और उसके जीवन का क्रम कठोर और भंगुर है।

एलन वाटस

Although corporate success contributes immensely to an individual’s confidence, it often has the effect of pushing aside the “care” element into the background. This journey re-kindles and re-awakens “care” and “humility” and pulls these elements back into the conscious. The triggers that our co-travellers experience are subtle yet powerful. They begin to understand how invisible leadership works and how nurturing has a bigger role to play in the context of corporate dynamics. All this will be guided by an experienced coach facilitating intersectional learning, thought provocation and enabling learning.

Leadership Development

Collaborate and Synergise

Leadership Coaching

Participants: Such team coaching sessions are meant for strategic and operational level leaders from cross-functional areas, constantly looking for methods to add value to their thinking and experience.

Our Leadership coaching, Manager’s Training and development sessions are recommended for Senior and Middle-level managers with high organisational potential and assets. First-time managers can also be benefitted from such customised corporate training sessions.

All this will be guided by an experienced coach facilitating intersectional learning, thought provocation and enabling learning.

Outcome: Participants are inspired to create a roadmap for enabling innovation in a business’s strategic and operational aspects. This puts the organisation and individual on a fast track for innovating the ecosystem.

Duration of the Team coaching and leadership development programmes:

Online – 8 sessions of 90 Minutes, staggered over four months

Offline – 2 days followed by Two personalised coaching sessions (Done one on one) within 45 days of the journey

Engagement format: This can be done as one-on-one sessions and team sessions.

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.


तर्क आपको ए से बी तक ले जाएगा। कल्पना आपको हर जगह ले जाएगी।


Innovation is the sum total of creativity, precision and responsiveness. During this journey, we take our co-travellers to the areas where such innovation takes place so that they can witness the sites of action, both in the foreground and background.

kabir learning

Effective Manager

Participants: Our Leadership coaching and First-time Manager Training and development sessions are recommended for Middle-level managers with high organisational potential and assets. Middle and senior-level managers are looking at and responsible for creating the next level in their organisations.

Outcome: Developing the organisations for tomorrow, connecting with diverse fresh thoughts. Helping managers to connect better with the next generation and improving resilience, flexibility and abilities to communicate with the next generation. This is followed by two personalised coaching sessions (Done one on one) within 45 days of the journey.

Duration of the Team coaching engagements:

Online – 8 sessions of 90 Minutes, staggered in 4 months

Offline – 2 days followed by Two personalised coaching sessions (Done one on one) within 45 days of the journey

Engagement format: This can be done as one-on-one sessions and team sessions.

Leadership Coaching

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.

Albert Einstein

जीवन साइकिल की सवारी करने जैसा है। अपना संतुलन बनाये रखने आपको अवश्य ही चलते रहना चाहिए।

अल्बर्ट आइंस्टीन

This is a powerful journey into the future and time travel. Our itinerary consists of schools, colleges and educational institutions; as we interact with the young minds in these spaces, we find answers buried deep into our subconscious.

Are we aligning our business objectives with the expectations of this generation? How much fresh thought goes into the building of our businesses? Are we enabling the generation Y in value assimilation so that when they enter our portals, they are enthusiastic and eager to learn? Do we understand how we connect better? All this will be guided by an experienced coach facilitating intersectional learning, thought provocation and enabling learning.

Useful Resources

How do you continuously evolve as a leader?

“Everything in this world is changing, everything”, said a CEO during one of our programmes for organisational development initiatives for a midsized IT company. He added, “ People have to…

5 Best ways to Improve Team spirit

Company is like a community . Perhaps, we spend more time with our colleagues and team members than our family members. Hence the process of building community within a company…

Why Leadership Coaching is Important?

Leadership Coaching is gaining more and more prominence in the evolving digital age. The world of business is fast-paced and leadership coaching programs are assisting people to develop leadership traits….

How Coaching Helps Young Executive Face Challenges?

As a young executive at a rapidly growing startup, Swathi was feeling overwhelmed. She had been promoted to a leadership role, but she was struggling to manage her team, meet…

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of leadership coaching can effective for leaders?

The method every coach adapts and the one that suits the coachee varies to a high degree. When the coachee and the coach agree upon the specific KPIs, the coachee should focus on improving their attitude and aptitude. The goal is to move ahead and perform better than when you started. And while the coach is accountable to a certain degree and in certain areas, it is the coachee who holds the major responsibility to implement the actions.

Is leadership coaching confidential?

Yes, leadership coaching is 100% confidential. However, confidentiality has to be maintained by both parties.

Is coaching ongoing or one time?

The duration of the coaching is dependent upon the degree of evolution that the leaders are looking for. For some organizations, it is just a one-time thing where the coach paves the path and helps set the direction for the leaders and then it is done. For others, it is an ongoing practice. The longer an individual is associated with the coach, the better the results are in terms of evolution. In ongoing leadership coaching, individuals get deeper insights that help them at every stage of their profession. For example, an individual seeks coaching at a junior manager level. The skills and degree of evolution they would need when reaching the C-suite level are different and guidance at all stages is extremely important.

What is the difference between mentorship and coaching?

While a mentor is someone who is a subject matter expert, a coach gives a broad vision of the techniques and skills needed for holistic growth. In coaching, there is a process set that is agreed upon and goals that are chased. Mentoring is more about polishing technical skills. For example, a coach who has trained leaders in sports can help individuals in the IT sector. Coaching is aimed at overall development and making space for the leaders to explore, experience, understand, introspect, and grow. While the mentor can be prescriptive because of their in-depth knowledge of the subject, a coach is always subjective. They might not have the technical skills, they are instrumental in helping leaders gain skills that prove them as leaders.

What are the goals of leadership coaching?

The main goal of leadership coaching is to help an individual become better and grow in the parameters that they are willing to. The goals that need to be set depend upon the personal and professional goals of the coachee. The main goal, although, is to enable the coachee to become accountable for their own growth and success.

Leadership Development

Connect with us for High Impact Leadership Coaching

    Are you a CEO looking forward to build better quality of human capital ?

    Are you looking to build diversity and inclusiveness in your teams ?

    Are you looking to enable higher levels of emotional intelligence ?

    Do you want to build team spirit and empathy to enrich your organisation’s DNA ?

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