
High Impact workshops for building future readiness and sustainable business growth

Can we build Self-aware and Wiser teams ?

भविष्य की तैयारी और सतत व्यापार विकास के निर्माण के लिए उच्च प्रभाव वाली कार्यशालाएं

क्या हम आत्म-जागरूक और समझदार टीमों का निर्माण कर सकते हैं?

(Self-Development and Team Building Workshops For Individual, Businessowners, Team Members, Team Leaders, Social Entrepreneurs, Politicians)

How our markets will be five years from now?

Building Future Ready Organisations

We are seeing the impact of global warming already. We have all the data, we need to understand the chaos and we also need to read through the apparent signals. Climate Change is one of the burning issues that have stayed around and made the most brilliant minds wonder about the solutions for the same. Although many human-imbibed factors lead to climate change, there’s seldom a way that it can be avoided entirely. We can explore how do we make our businesses more planet-friendly and future-ready to reduce the carbon footprint.

Global warming is one example of human apathy; many issues are not so visible right now. The point is how we interpret the changes happening in our ecosystem. What are the changes that can impact the sustainability of our business? What kind of people and leadership are needed for the future? Are we building our future readiness?

Key Takeaways

climate Change

Preparing the leadership for the opportunities and tough situations

Strategizing for emergencies

Contingency planning (Plan B)

Handling failures and building sustainable success

What can be learned from workshops on Climate Change?

We need to prepare the leadership for the most adverse situations. Businesses need to stay prepared for any circumstances in the socio-economic context. From business losses to losing the most competent employees, from getting hit by recession or pandemics to suffering the most unexpected betrayal, a business can undergo disruptive changes. As a leader, it is essential to be prepared and remain aware of potential threats.

In tough socio-economic situations, what is it that you do, or how do you tackle and get back on your feet, and be ready to move forward?

What kind of future readiness is needed to make our businesses planet friendly? All such questions can be addressed with serious introspection.

Why do you need a workshop on Climate Change ?

It is easy to start a business, but keeping it afloat and making it better requires patience, determination, perseverance and consistency. There are timeless virtues that come with practice and help businesses get prepped up for all kinds of situations.

The businesses that had prepped themselves up for the worst have been successfully able to fight it so far, while the others who didn’t have a leadership that had foreseen adverse circumstances had to give up on their business. Kabir Learning’s Climate Change workshop majorly focuses on situations that need our future readiness.

We believe that strong yet compassionate leadership can pave the course of a business and determine success and failures. We help corporations channelize their true potential and become great thought leaders

Leadership Academy

How can you engage with us?

(For conducting high Impact Training, people development and Soul stirring leadership coaching)

We design engagements that are path breaking and Soul stirring.

Our sessions create a deep impact in minds and hearts of people; The experiences from the learning create compelling reasons for people to change their ways of working, build growth for themselves and their teams, and build their organization.

Context of the engagements – Sales Training Interventions, Business Coaching, Service and support team training and coaching, Leadership team training, Coaching of top executives, Team Building sessions, Strategy Kick off sessions.

Are you a CEO, Politician, Social entrepreneur, Business owner, Business Head, Founder of a NGO, Team leader, HR leader wanting to build highly motivated teams? Call us to build a meaningful conversation.

Leadership Development

Connect with us for High Impact Leadership Workshops

    Are you a CEO looking forward to build better quality of human capital ?

    Are you looking to build diversity and inclusiveness in your teams ?

    Are you looking to enable higher levels of emotional intelligence ?

    Do you want to build team spirit and empathy to enrich your organisation’s DNA ?

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