
Creating High Impact Businesses

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Business coach in India

Dinkar Rao: Passionately Enriching The Business Landscape With Illustrious Business Acumen - December, 2023

There’s an old saying that ‘there is nothing new under the sun’. Well, this verse is partially true at this juncture, when change is unprecedented across…

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Leadership coaching and training

Interview with Dinkar Rao featured on ET - Firms take cognizance of sensitising those in managerial roles - September 04, 2023

There has been a spike in requests from companies to train those in managerial roles on how to communicate disappointment in not…

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The Economic Times

Business coach India

Leap Forward inducts Dinkar Rao for business coaching

In the world of business, aiming for excellence is only half the battle. The true journey lies in charting the course…

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Business coach

Enablement is the key for organisational growth - By Dinkar Rao - November 09, 2021

Business Coach should be authentic, sharp in assessing people, should be having good acumen to understand businesses, having a judicious mix of firmness…

Business coach

Is Renaissance in Sales happening? - By Dinkar Rao - December 28, 2021

We would like to change the way we work, but we don’t have time and resources to develop our people” Typically, some of the busy business leaders would make…

Business Coach

How do we build future-ready organizations? - By Dinkar Rao - February 03, 2022

Leaders keep talking about the VUCA world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity). However, the recipe for future readiness for a business…

Leadership Development

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