
Creating High Impact Businesses

(Cut the clutter, Simplify, Amplify)

Leadership Development

Do you want to build sustainable businesses ?

क्या आप स्थायी व्यवसाय विकास का निर्माण करना चाहते हैं ?

Do you want to enable an Ecofriendly business ?

क्या आप एक पर्यावरण हितैषी और भविष्य के व्यवसाय को सक्षम बनाना चाहते हैं ?

Do you break the silo mindset and Building an abundance mindset ?

क्या आप व्यक्तिवादी मानसिकता को तोड़ना चाहते हैं और बहुतायत मानसिकता का निर्माण करना चाहते हैं ?

kabir learning

About the Founder – Thinker | Music Lover | Enabler

संस्थापक के बारे में – बिजनेस कोच | कला प्रेमी | क्षमता निर्माता

Business Coach
About us
Business Coach in India

Dinkar Rao is a seasoned coach (अनुभवी कोच) , mentor and trainer with an International exposure. As a business coach and enabler of the dreams of people, Dinkar Rao has supported the business goals and growth plans of more than 14000 professionals from Foreign MNCs, Indian MNCs and local SMEs, across various Industry segments. He has done senior management assessments, strategic training programmes, coaching interventions, and selections for top notch organisations. Through his sharp understanding of people, Dinkar has helped to get right talent for various MSMEs. He has been involved in many international and domestic people enablement initiatives. Dinkar has been involved in various strategically crucial initiatives for the long-term Sales Organisation development. Dinkar Rao has coached more than 400 companies. He is also the founder of Groval Euler’s and Kabir Learning foundation. Dinkar has personally handled many critical assessment centres for different layers of management from large and small businesses.

Dinkar Rao closely works with the top management to make things happen in terms of execution of ideas. Dinkar through has a unique style with straight forward feedback mechanism. His no-nonsense approach and emphasis on being gracefully direct cuts the clutter and helps people to focus on the core issues.

Watch this out to know more about Dinkar’s approach to coaching and people development.

Senior leadership coaching and development initiative – Building Higher Collaboration

About us

Dinkar is a seasoned and a pragmatic business coach. Through certain innovative training and coaching practices, Dinkar has been able to inspires thousands of professionals across the globe.

Dinkar’s Academic Backround – He is a M.Tech (Mineral Engineering from Indian School of Mines- IIT Dhanbad), PGDBM from Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Trained as Leadership Capability Assessor and Coach at Mercuri Urval (MUPI) , LIFO Coach, Belbin Coach, Celemi (Business Simulation) Certified Coach, ICF Certified Life Coach, Doctorate in Management studies | Member of Mindfulness Association (UK)

Dinkar is also founder of – Groval Euler’s | Groval Selectia | Kabir Learning Foundation.

18 plus years in Consulting | 20 plus years in Sales, Business leadership development and People development | Coached more than 14000 people | Consulted with 400 plus companies

Dinkar uses a lot of examples from various business coaching experiences to inspire creativity. Dinkar has handled some very demanding people coaching projects, Training inventions, Change Management Initiatives. Dinkar has been anchoring various themes for senior leadership journeys towards strategic organisational development progress.

Dinkar Rao’s close connection with European, American and Asian companies, has given him a strong understanding of the dynamics of handling cross cultural leadership teams. All this helps Kabir learning foundation to build solid business coaching and people development initiatives for the corporates.

Dinkar has strong experience in conceptualizing and delivering consulting projects, change management initiatives and workshops on personal transformation, leadership excellence, Customer centric culture creation, Service excellence, Business Planning and Sales excellence across segments such as Information Technology, Hospitality, Healthcare, Engineering, Automotive, Retail, FMCG, Wellness and so on.

Dinkar Rao has also worked with service teams of various organisations towards enabling better service deliverables. His core competence is finding solutions for sales capability development, business enablement while conducting intense workshops and workouts towards transformational leadership.

Leadership Development

    Are you a CEO looking forward to build better quality of human capital ?

    Are you looking to build diversity and inclusiveness in your teams ?

    Are you looking to enable higher levels of emotional intelligence ?

    Do you want to build team spirit and empathy to enrich your organisation’s DNA ?

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