
Growth Mindset leadership – How to build persistence and resilience?

Enthusiasm is common, endurance is rare.”

Angela Duckworth, Psychologist, and popular science author. 

The above quote is especially true in the context of building resilience and persistence in leadership. One of the most common things we have witnessed is that at the initial stages, there is high enthusiasm. But that might not be enough to sail through the entire journey. What it takes is endurance. 


What is the connection between resilience and persistence?

We live stressful lives – both personally and professionally. Well, most of us! Setbacks are a part of life and it is essential to learn to accept them, adapt to change, and keep going in the face of adversity. That is what is known as resilience. However, we tend to overlook the role persistence plays in developing this resilience. Persistence can act as the fuel that might help us keep moving forward when motivation starts to fade. 

Here is a popular example. Thomas Edison is known to have failed many times before he could invent the lightbulb. It does not necessarily mean that he could shrug off failure. It came from constant persistence and determination to keep experimenting until he achieved his goals. These persistent efforts made him resilient towards repeated setbacks. 


Building Persistence to Help You Establish Resilience:

Organizations that cultivate a culture of persistence have better chances of managing crises, innovating, and being prepared for any shortcomings. Persistence is a mindset that might need to be instilled among individuals within the organization and coaching can help here. Here are a few key steps that may help you get started: 

  • Set clear achievable goals:

    Persistence may be achieved once the goal is clear. By laying down clear, well-defined goals, individuals can find a roadmap that becomes their guide. These goals, sometimes, can feel challenging. But having a guide makes them more achievable. It helps individuals and teams push their limits without feeling overwhelmed. 
  • Celebrate the little victories:

    Setbacks are a part of life and the journey to resilience is long. We might feel demotivated, discouraged, and even be on the verge of giving up. But identifying the little ways that we have come along might be just the missing push. Each milestone achieved on the way is a reminder that progress is being made while boosting morale and encouraging continued efforts.
  • Encourage and inculcate a growth mindset:

    Having a growth mindset may make you believe in your abilities and intelligence. It is about the results achieved through hard work, while nurturing persistence. When team members start to view challenges as opportunities to learn, rather than threats, they may be more likely to remain persistent during obstacles.
  • Access the support and resources available:

    It could be something as small as motivational books and videos, or the need to undergo proper coaching and mentoring with the experts – accessing the resources at your disposal might be beneficial. These factors come in handy when the going gets tough. It is also crucial to create an environment where it is safe to fail and try again without fear.
  • Lead by example:

    No matter at what level of your career you are in, it’s never too early to showcase leadership traits. It plays an important role in fostering persistence. Leaders who can demonstrate perseverance during challenges may also be able to inspire their teams and colleagues to do so. Acknowledging struggles and normalizing them, can help others be more committed and persistent towards achieving the goals.

Sail on a personal journey of persistence and resilience:

While getting all the support from the surroundings is great, it is also important to practice resilience and persistence at a personal granular level. While the immediate results may be more desirable, it is important to focus on the long-term goals. In a world where instant success is a key parameter to success, this may be difficult. But a few steps in the right direction can become the guiding force of your journey to become resilient. 

  • Develop a routine:
    Discipline is the foundation to be persistent and build resilience. And developing a routine is the first step to achieving that. It may act as the anchor. Whether it is learning something new for self-reflection or committing to physical fitness, routine creates a consistency that enables persistence.
  • Have a positive outlook:
    A positive outlook is the essence of sustaining persistence. When you have significant setbacks, it is this outlook that may get you going. But this does not mean ignoring the hardships. It is simply the belief to overcome them. Optimism is the fuel to build persistence and resilience. 

  • Seek feedback:

    Persistence is not about stubbornly sticking to a path that doesn’t work. It is about accepting feedback learning from the experiences and making necessary adjustments. Adaptability is key to developing true resilience.

The journey to resilience is not an easy one, but it is worth every effort. By practicing persistence, individuals and organizations can develop the resilience needed to keep up with change and succeed. Persistence is the steady force that powers us through challenges, helping us grow stronger, more adaptable, and ultimately, more resilient.


To know how coaching can help build persistence and resilience, write to us at [email protected]


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